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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Re: Regional News

Post by Noremacia Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:37 am



2020 April 11, 7:32AM
(52 minutes after eruption)

Over the last hour Mt. Kallioinen erupted. The resulting explosion has caused a tsunami or greater magnitude than previously modelled. As advised:


The Waves will reach Noremacian shores in approximately 6-7 hours. The evacuation order is for 24 hours as of now, to let the waves subside. After 24 hours residents will be allowed to return to their homes. Ensure you remain informed, tune into car radios, TV Networks and check our mobile text message notifications for updates.

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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Re: Regional News

Post by Noremacia Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:53 am




2020 April 11, 8:00AM
(80 minutes after eruption)

At 10:40am local time, Mt. Kallioinen erupted.

Þorkáksrøs News wrote:The eruption, which was expected to be severe due to the nature of the volcano's tendency to violently erupt, proved to be even more extreme than was modeled by volcanologists. The volcano exploded with such violence and force that an entire chunk from the eastern flank of the mountain was torn off, smashing into the ocean below and birthing a tsunami that is making landfall in Eporan.

The eruption was said to have been heard as far as Geitland. Moments ago, Noremacian authorities ordered a precautionary mandatory 24 hour evacuation of at risk areas on the Noremacian coastline. This comes as no surprise as the nation errs on the side of caution, as to minimise the impact. All flights to Eporan and Hameenetra have been grounded since Wednesday, however Noresky is still flying in and out of Hvidovia and some locations in Leirhofn. As the resulting ash cloud spreads across Eporan, it is clear there will be several governing bodies that will require extensive aid in rebuilding. Due to the nature of the event, several nations had little time to prepare for the event, and we fear the death toll may be significant. Noremacia's Emperor, Camus Moran, has already made a statement that his government will be focusing on the preservation of lives and rehabilitation of nation's sustainability, however no official action has yet been taken by the government of Noremacia, however the consillium is meeting tonight to discuss the aid plan.

Remember to remain calm and stay connected. Be informed, and check on friends overseas as they may be in need of moral support during these unprecedented times. This has been The Noremacia Sun, Stay with us for breaking updates as the situation develops. Iallitsemmeko Ikuisesti Vapauksemme.

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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Re: Regional News

Post by Middle Territories Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:21 am

Midham Papers

Midham, 04/13/2020
The Commonwealth Government issued a state of emergency when Mount Kallionen erupted. It's ashes are said to have covered the entirety of Treko and Eastern Kanadorikan cities and Ninhundland as well. Tidal waves have impacted Noremacia and Keaa's two main islands with the Tsunami wave impacting Treko and Eastern Kanadorikan coastal waters.

All diplomatic posts in the mentioned countries are closed. Citizens and Nationals are told to stay indoors and only come out wearing health masks when absolutely necessary. Maintain supplies at least until 5-7 days. Citizens are also told to follow Local Authorities and keep aware of dangerous areas especially coastal areas like Ports and Beaches.

The Commonwealth would aid the affected countries by committing itself to voluntary work, sending volunteers to distribute food, water, fresh clothes, and medical drugs to those displaced and to those in need. Military and Police organizations would volunteer itself for Search and Rescue operations in the affected areas, making sure to save anyone that were affected after the eruption.

The Government would commit 5 Billion Middle Territories Marks to the natural disaster from donations of the people itself.
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Middle Territories

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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Military Government of the Republic of Kappelland

Post by Kappelland Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:26 am

Kappelland, a land of a cultural melting pot. A land of Wars and steel. A land of beautiful beaches and a vibrant tourism industry. This land, while a beautiful land, after the collapse of its Monarchy in the wake of revolution, descended into the darkest moments of its history. That dark period came to an end, however bloody it may be. Under the leadership of Marshal zu Uhr and his clique of Generals from Vwalltrijktsburg Military Academy had defeated all its rivals in the field of battle and now presides over the Civilian Government of the Republic of Kappelland as its protector.

While Kappelland is a land of democracy, the democracy that the Kappellik people enjoy is a sham. True power lays in the hands of zu Uhr and his subordinates in the Vwalltrijktsburg clique. The civilian government is only there to legitimise the actions taken by zu Uhr and the clique.

Every candidate and every party is approved by the Vwalltrijktsburg clique. Every candidate for the civilian government and all political parties have only praise to the protectors of Kappelland. Kappellik civilian politics is just one large puppet show.

"Why do the Kappellik people not rise up and destroy the sham of a democracy their state is?" You may ask. The average Kappelik cares not for the man who rules them, they no longer do. The incessant fighting of the Kappellik warlord era had made them realise that leaders come and go and it also taught them that loyalty should be given to those who can feed you, not to those who promise you dreams.

However, while the control of the Vwalltrijktsburg clique and of zu Uhr is tight, the clique itself is losing cohesion. The advanced age and failing health of Marshal zu Uhr gives an opportunity to ambitious vultures to circle around his body until they can seize the chance to claim and seize the mantle of Marshal zu Uhr and lead Kappelland to a bright future, or, atleast, their offshore bank accounts to a bright future.

The Vwalltrijktsburg clique is divided into 8 main factions: the zu Uhr loyalist faction led by General Lee Hayeck who wish to uphold the status quo brought about by zu Uhr. The North eastern army led by General Rajmund zu Vwallbrück, a former member of a rival clique (Kapplatz Clique) who defected to zu Uhr's banner, who wishes to erode the powers, and eventually, destroy, the civilian government. The Sujdkapland Province faction under Governor Ernst Heyrmann, military governor of Sujdkapland province, who aims to purge the government of corruption. The "Liberal" faction under General Rujdolf Koblenz, who, in reality, are aggressive chauvinists who wish to assert Kappelland in the international stage and to secure her a place in the sun through blood and iron. The Diplomatic Corps under August Vwallvan who aims to rule Kappelland not with a harsh fist of steel, but with a pragmatic velvet glove. The Industrial, Financial and Economic Corps under Doctor Kapp Westerling, Economics minister of the Republic of Kappelland and personal financial advisor to zu Uhr himself, who wishes for Kappelland to focus on its economy, as in, have Kappelland be a playground for the Doctor Kapp and his subordinate economists. The Reformist Faction under General Trescko Stejhlmann who wish to cede more power to the civilian government and, possibly, do away with the military government in its entirety and the Technocratic faction, led by General Stern Rejyavit, who wishes to the cliques stern grip on domestic politics so he can pass reforms which will propel the education system and kickstart a new Kappellik intellectual renaissance.

All these factions hunger for the taste of being on top. The death of zu Uhr is inevitable, the vultures are already circling. Will receive a ruler worthy of her glory? Or will Kappelland fall into a second warlord era? Nothing is clear. Sadly, only time will tell.

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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Metalcore Band "Village Massacre" annonces 2020 Tour

Post by Isatosha/Xrizantema Sat Apr 18, 2020 12:21 am

The Artesia Informitory

18 April, 2020

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"Village Massacre", a Guthic metalcore band that was originally from a small town Juniper, in Nordskin, is announcing a tour all around Epora. Locations include Frankdorf, Einderhun, Hexenborough, and many other venues!

2020 Forma Omega Grapevine GT

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Brand new sedan for 2020! Remember passing the orchards on the way to school? Remember going back to them when your were old enough for your first drink there again? None of this is relavent, but this vehicle has a turbocharged V6, rear-wheeled drive for "specific purposes" and graceful enough to valet park on a 5 figure date! Drive responsibly and enjoy!
If you can afford one.

-P-30,000 MSRP

Public Announcement: Potential Deployment for Selected Personnel

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Image: Lance Corporal Erik Dunitz of Magno Leon's Regional Army, Northern Command, 2nd Logistics Battalion is surprisingly eager for deployment.

Ministry of Nation Security Advisory Board Representative Katelin Gambix informed members of the press that National Forces are beginning to mobilize National Forces to deploy to Altzan to take part in a task force of nations that will assist in rehabilitating the failed state. Reservists are being called up to fill in for absent spots for deployed personnel overseas. Some are apprehensive, one is excited, such as Lance Corporal Erik Dunitz.

"We'll, didn't have a lot of excitement in life going on at the moment. I collect swords, play MMO's and work in the mail room of a massive company. This may give me a little more of a push I need to get more opportunities, plus I miss the training sometimes."

We will have more updates on the situation.

Writter: V. V.
Editor: Georgia Jansen

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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Cabrya Borders

Post by Nermy Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:38 pm

The Cabrya border opens up allowing all types of people. The govermant decided to do this because it will help us with the economy and so we have a good picture.

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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Cabrya Assemble

Post by Nermy Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:58 am

Cabrya hosts a large gathering in the capital building
Total of people who attended: 320 Officials | Neroal Huami (Leader) | 300 Citizens | 400 Soldiers protecting
"The meeting will commence over the act of our law 1.4 religion will now take place"
The meeting went of for the whole day about re designing the law due to possible conflicts, the leader mostly
rejected these offers to change it as stupid and "A waste of my time."
The gathering bickered as the leader came to a choice and walked to the podium to announce infront of 10,000 Civilians waiting outside.
"Citizens of Cabrya I am happy to be with you all and I want things to change. FOR THE GOOD! From when we were small, when we thought god was there for us,
But I see were too.. too restricted, so I say we can change... Change for the good! I still wont stand for the gods. But I will allow people to pray for there 'gods' at home.
We will allow praying for your 'gods' but only inside of your own home. SO BE IF I SEE A SINGLE RELIGOUSE ITEM OUTSIDE THE HOME THEY WILL SUFFER DIRE
CONSEQUENCES! So on the note. Any religion not involving this 'jesus' figure will be legal within your own homes! Thankyou people!"
Some people boo and yell at this change and the people hiding in homes hear over the radio and celebrate for the change.
Posted by Neroal Huami news.

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Regional News - Page 2 Empty TO THE MOON!

Post by Nermy Thu Apr 23, 2020 2:29 am

Cabrya begins signing deals with Klastrix beggining the first plans of a joint moon colony for the soul purpose of strengthening relations and learning the vast life on the white dot that follows us. Our leader announces the momentus day that funding will begin and space programs set up with the support while the launch site of cabrya is set up at the very top of our nation.
The leader egins setting up our finest researchers from this beutiful country and assures the public that this is the sign of true compasion and love, "If we follow our dreams, we make anything on this ot possible.. but if we follow our heart we can make it to the stars!" The deals are signed as construction begins.
Funding will be given shortley... but for now the builders are from the govermant and sent to build the launch pad, radar stations, and the construct bay room. (Space-Program channel will be made for a full detail of everything that will occur.)

Our leader makes a announcemant over the radio to every home and city. "Its time we put our bonds first, this day is a sign of choice, OF PEACE! And we will follow this project to infinity and beyond! Lets do this with our boundrys past us! FOR THE FUTURE OF MANKIND!"

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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Flights may begin regular service by the first week of May

Post by Ninhundland Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:37 pm

Following the announcement made just days after the eruption occurred, many flights were suspended due to levels of ash that had been pumped into the air. It should be noted that not every flight is suspended as the busier routes will remain open however the amount of flights is reduced. Considering the country’s extensive road and high speed rail network transportation across Ninhundland shouldn’t be much of a problem with the reduced number of flights. The flights that are still around have just seen near full capacity due many routes that had several flights a day, have been reduced to just one for the past few weeks.

“As the ash levels begin to drop and the air quality improves, air travel is excepted to return to normal. We are hoping that by the beginning of May the conditions will favour a return to normal scheduling. The current situation is under control as the number of overseas flights are limited and only the busiest routes that are seen as “essential” have been in the sky with a huge reduction of daily flights.” - Ninhundish Ministry of Transportation
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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Re: Regional News

Post by Kanadorika Tue May 26, 2020 1:39 am

Regional News - Page 2 FvaW5Ih
Serving Brautarholmur Since 1843

A special look at the Sauðárkurish celebration of Feitur Þriðjudagur

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Costumed Húsanæyjarian men stand on their mounts during a Sauðárkurish celebration of Feitur Þriðjudagur

2020 February 25.  Written by Markús Konráðsson | |   21:47

Hveitibær: A small town in eastern Húsanæyjar, Hveitibær is a rural agricultural community just west of the swamps on the Erensdurian coast. Agriculture is so paramount in this town that even its name translates literally to "wheat town". While crop growing is the staple of the community, the growing season ends in the autumn, and the town, and all of Eyjan prepare for several months worth of night as the arctic landscape kisses the sun goodbye.

Thus, the holiday of Feitur Þriðjudagur, set in February or March of the next year, celebrates something of a rebirth in Eyjan, when the sun returns and blesses the land with its warmth.  Yet the holiday is so much more than a celebration of the end of the polar night. Feitur Þriðjudagur, which translates to "Fat Tuesday", is the last day until Lent, when Catholics must fast from luxuries and certain foods for 40 days in remembrance of Christ's 40 days in the desert. As such, Feitur Þriðjudagur is a day in which Kanadorikans celebrate and feast to their heart's content, partaking in the joys they will soon be restricted from come Ash Wednesday.

Every region in Kanadorika celebrates Feitur Þriðjudagur differently. The city of Venesia hosts Karnival, a two week long celebration which attracts millions, whereas Brautarhólmur holds massive parades and parties on the holiday. In the Sauðárkurish speaking cantons of Hvidovia, Feitur Þriðjudagur is just as big of a celebration as it is in the big cities, only you won't find the lavish parades here.

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Costumed men play folk music.

Hveitibær isn't particularly unique compared to its neighbors in Húsanæyjar. It, like most municipalities in the canton, speaks the Sauðárkurish language and is predominantly agricultural. These towns celebrate Feitur Þriðjudagur in their own way, and I was blessed with the opportunity to observe the celebrations. Perhaps the first thing I should mention is the absolute abundance of alcohol. But of course this all makes perfect sense. Why would anybody want to celebrate the return of daylight and the last day before Lent sober? To liven up the drunken atmosphere, live music abounds. Fiddle, Hurdy Gurdy, and Accordian players all play a tune familiar with anyone in Sauðárkuria.

Feitur Þriðjudagur koma alls staðr að

Ūr œllu miðju

Þeir līða einu sinni ā ąrï

Til að biðja um kærlika

Jafnvel þō að það sē kartōflu ...

The Feitur Þriðjudagur come from all around

From all around the center

They pass once a year

To ask for charity

Even if it's a potato ...

The Feitur Þriðjudagur the song refers to is not the holiday itself, however it is the holiday's greatest tradition in Sauðárkuria; the costumed horsemen who ride through the town looking for ingredients to add to their Sūpa (a special variety of soup) which they and the rest of the community will feast on later tonight. The costumes are intensely colorful and their designs date back to the medieval period. They directly mock politicians, the clergy and the educated; celebrants wear miter hats, mortarboards and Kaputons, which were initially designed to mock the tall pointy hats worn by noble women. Historically, the poor would mock the very same people they would ride up to and beg for food.

Not much has changed today. The posse of costumed men (and sometimes women) is led by the Kapteinn, who is identified by the colorful cape he wears. The Kapteinn chooses the route that the Feitur Þriðjudagur will ride along. For children, this romp on horseback through the region in search of food is seen as a rite of passage into adulthood. A boy saddles up on his horse and returns a man.

Regional News - Page 2

The Kapteinn leads his Feitur Þriðjudagur throughout town searching for ingredients for the night's meal.

At each house the posse stops at, the participants will holler and shout for the home's owners to come out. Then, they partake in clumsily drunken dances on horseback and sing in hopes that their hosts will spare them ingredients. This is also a time for many to show off their horse riding skills, and they may partake in various stunts. Once sufficiently impressed, the host will throw the desired ingredient into the air. For some ingredients, like vegetables, retrieval is as simple as picking the food up. However the host may decide to liven the activities up and let loose a live animal, often a chicken but sometimes a wild hog. The succeeding chase is one of the most memorable events in the whole celebration, and the victorious individual who successfully manages to catch the animal gets first in line privileges for the later meal (any other animals released that night will result in second and third positions in line and so on).
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Hilarity ensues when a host decides to release a live animal for the posse to catch.

At the end of a long day of performing and livestock chasing, the Feitur Þriðjudagur have finally gathered the ingredients they need for their Sūpa. The end of the day might be even more difficult than the activities before, as the delicious smell of cooking soup proves irresistible to those who spent the day on horseback dancing around. By the time the Sūpa is ready to be served, all the participants finally take off their masks, revealing their identities to their neighbors. Of course, accusations of "I knew it was you all along!" abound in a town as closely knit as Hveitibær.

As the sun set beyond the horizon, men, women, and children feast until they can eat no more, drinking, singing, and partying all throughout the night. The next day would be Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent, a time of spirituality and remembrance of the sacrifices of Christ. The holiday of Feitur Þriðjudagur wound to a close, but it is only the beginning of activities. Come next month, Holy Week would bring fourth more traditions and customs that the people of not only Sauðárkuria, but all of Kanadorika would take part in.

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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Re: Regional News

Post by Nermy Thu May 28, 2020 9:23 pm

A small meeting was to occur as laws were being planned to legalize religion. On the way from his home to parlimant.
The leader today stood outside of his home to about 200 protestors throwing crosses at him.
Cabryian Special Forces escorted him out the area using tear gas and the back door to parliment.

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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Re: Regional News

Post by Middle Territories Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:57 am

Parliament Talks continue in the Middle Territories, to pass the Midham Renovation Act, Mission Bay, Three Kings and Mount Albert Representatives continue to deny due to the Act basically expands the Capital Region.
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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Re: Regional News

Post by Middle Territories Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:43 am

Rename to the Commonwealth of Elbe
Folkefor-Royal Diet faced a crucial matter in changing the name of the Middle Territories, this matter had gained some traction in the Government after a petition to change the name of the Commonwealth of Elbe, including a referendum to do such. The Prime Minister just this morning had stated to the Press in front of the Folkefor building in Midham.

This has caused demonstrations to break out demanding the name change from the Middle Territories to the Commonwealth of Elbe, "Name Change is needed" the protests shout. In the end after 45 hours of waiting, Parliament had advocated for the name change passing the National Name Change and Repairment Act of 2020.
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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Re: Regional News

Post by Zhi Dynasty Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:07 am

Michu Bimonthly News (March - April)

In response to the Mount Kallioinen chaotic eruption, the righteous government of Michu took a swift and firm response, directly on order from Huang Shang in a well prepared Imperial Edict. Using her authority, she swept away the indecisive Chancellor Tuquang Qino, and installed the Minzhu Party member and Environmental Minister, Zhao Han as the new Chancellor. Following this, he ended all flights to all projected areas until the crisis abated. Using his expert knowledge on the subject of volcanoes, as well as the knowledge provided by the Kanadorikans, the central government has provided an economic support package to Guangbei, the only province to be impacted by tidal forces. This will be used to erect flood defences, promote more sustainable fishing and trading communities and allow for refugee settlements outside the major danger zones. Crucially, the Imperial government has already costed these procedures, and graded them by necessity and feasibility. Should the worst occur, and the volcanic ash destroy crop yields in Northern Michu, the Imperial government has maintained a large stockpile of food. To reinforce this, the Taiyang Pact will provide additional grain and basic necessities through emergency legislation. Chancellor Zhao Han has enjoyed a wave of popular support from the liberals, as well as urbanite populists. He flew to Guangbei himself, and took part in the construction of dams in Jiangbei district, commenting to a People’s News reporter;

“It is a pleasure to serve Michu with all my being, and I assure all peoples of Michu, that they will not lose their homes over natural disasters. The new system will work, and I will safeguard democratic principles.”

The Cabinet has undergone a significant reshuffle, favouring the Minzhu Party overall, and sidelining both the Yanxu Party and the Red Hooks. This has had the effect of alienating both the Weishun aristocracy and the radical left. Giving the post of Minister for Finance to prominent market liberal Shang Xiaodeng, one of his chief supporters, replacing the former market syndicalist Baozu Jin. This symbols both a weakening of the former balance, and strengthens capitalist influence in the economy. This will please the industrialists and the influential markets, generating much economic growth. The swiftness and efficiency of the Throne’s response has raised concerns over the weakening power of democracy in our still new system. Republicans, led by Tang Zhongfeng, condemned the Imperial response as “Efficiency one would expect from a despot”, and have launched a ‘People’s Self Defence Council’, encouraging concerned citizens to do the same. This alarming news raises the fears of many in Peikang, is another Revolution brewing right in the shadows of Shaozi Palace? (March 21st, 2020)

In more peaceful news, we have decided to take a trip to Guangxi, the westernmost province in Michu, embedded in between the Zhong Shanmai mountain range, where a peculiar cultural fusion has taken place. The provinces of Guangxi, and it’s less famous neighbour Bingxi have been a contested area between the Trekkish Empire and our Celestial Throne since the Zhi-Trekkish Border Skirmishes. Trekkish imperialism has been a continuous threat since that point, and while Shidagong Huangdi was able to repel the westerners on this occasion, it did see an influx of Trekkish civilians into Guangxi, despite Huangdi’s suppression attempts. After the last border conflict ended in 1793 with the treaty of Anfei, solidifying the borders and erecting the Western Palisade, a series of tunnels and defences to prevent Trekkish settlers disrupting imperial culture. This would last until the Taiqing Rebellion, when the Great Zhi was bruised significantly in the massive civil conflict. During this rebellion, the Trekkish army was able to overpower the local garrisons and bringing in Trekkish settlers to the land while the Zhi recuperated from the revolt, ending in 1871. The Great Zhi would reconquer the two provinces during the Second World War, though the Huanzhou Huangdi would show the Trekkish settlers mercy, due to their virtually distinct and Michified status. In the time since the Taiqing Rebellion, Michise and Trekkish culture, philosophies, food and religion would interact and syncretise, in a manner not dissimilar to Yuan peoples in our great nation. The most distinct example would be in faith. Despite the anti Christian edicts promulgated by several Huangdi throughout the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, Guangxi inhabitants have combined elements of Trekkish Orthodoxy, and Michise Dragon Cult, as well as Buddhism. These have syncretised under the Confucian imperial worldview, which stresses peace and obedience. During our research of the province, we were able to speak with some Guangxi Priests, who spoke to us in Michise regarding the theological details of this faith. Church is still attended every Sunday, and worshippers kowtow before ‘The Great Three’, who are roughly equivalent to the trinity. This does not violate Imperial law, as in this faith, the Great Three is composed of the Jinlong (Gold Dragon), referencing Huang Shang as a divine figure, as well as the son, who typically represents Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. This is the largest contrast with regular Christianity, in the Guangxi Faith, the Holy Spirit refers to the Confucian philosophy and it’s guiding principles, enlightening the spirit and the soul under the Kingly way. While heretical to most Christians, the Guangxi faithful do not seem to mind, and Huang Shang is all too happy to be associated with the faith, with some referring to her as ‘Mary’, the Mother of God. This would be the first time Huang Shang has been both God and the Mother of God. Architecturally, the Guangxi have fused Trekkish and Michise architectural styles, though Trekkish is more common in the more urbanised areas, the Michise influence is clearly seen in the Pagodas in the city centre. The food is generally regulated by the harshly cold environment, with a focus on pickled food and resilient crops, as well as a fine collection of meats that are cooked in a unique culinary blend. Interbreeding and marriage is extremely common, and seen as an honourable act, though the lesser prevalence of arranged marriages is noticeable. Trekkish individualism influences the political culture of the region as well, being one of the few areas to not fall decisively towards one faction in the Revolution. Guangxi has many, many festivals, celebrating the days of the saints, as well as Michise national festivals. They also celebrate the local Celebration of the Mountain Festival, which celebrates Guangxi’s status in Michu, and demonstrates strong racial harmony through bonds. It starts with a long feast, known as the Golden Feast, where the Guangxi People pray to Huang Shang for continued prosperity. This feast is composed entirely of Michise food, such as dumplings, Imperial rice, and braised noodle and beef soup, as well as large hot pots. Then, there is a parade, known as the March of Armoured men, where reenactors dress as Weishun Banners and Trekkish Conquerors as the families of the men involved spend time and eat together. Then, there is another feast in the afternoon, called the Clear Skies Feast, where the people only eat Trekkish food, though this part is considerably more expensive, and had to be limited during the Trekkish civil war. From this point, till ten at night, the people of Guangxi do not eat or drink, until the Feast of Eternal Bliss. This is the grandest part of the festival, with all the remaining food of both nationalities are eaten together, with prayers, songs and loud festivities are played throughout the night. On the morning after, there is a church ceremony, where the people are blessed by a priest, and absolved for any sins they committed in the last year.

In other news, the former nation of Jindou has suffered a political revolution, not dissimilar to the Michise Revolution in our own country. Though democracy in the new nation in Nanhe is fragile and new, they have accepted continued membership in the Taiyang Pact with grace, and the new President has had a telephone conversation with the Imperial Commissioner for Taiyang Affairs, Tang Xiaodeng. Trading relations will continue, and Michu has recognised the new government as a legitimate institution, though this does spark fears in the Imperial aristocracy. Xinmei’s President, Qing Zhongsun has completely endorsed the revolution, stating that “The Cause of Freedom and Democracy cannot be extinguished.” The Taiyang Pact will continue as normal, though Xinmei will take its rightful place as an Anphilos regional power. (March)

In celebrity and pop culture news, the Star of Shinmei, Mei Xianwei has proclaimed her support for the nascent Xinmei Republic, proclaimed a few months ago. The social media influencer declared her support via Sqeaker, saying “It’s truly inspiring that the Progressive cause has a new home in Xinmei. I’m going to take a tour there next monday, see you later friends!” Xianwei is very popular with young women and an adoring legion of male fans. Though the endorsement probably cannot assist President Qing Zhongsun too much, it is always good for a President to be associated with beautiful women. (April 12th)

Xinmei has earned a huge investment by technology conglomerate People’s Innovation. They have begun the construction of critical railways surrounding Xinjing, as well as providing the means to create several new schools in the capital itself. The Republic will need these facilities and infrastructure if it hopes to defend itself and secure a powerbase in the Aztlan civil war. President Qing Zhongsun signed the contract himself, though detractors in Xinmei claim that he is ceding too much influence towards powerful industries. (April 14th)
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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Re: Regional News

Post by Jindou Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:29 am

Suceng Daily, Serving Jindou since 1865


Regional News - Page 2 Shangh10

BREAKING:Earlier today, the Jindou Imperial Government have been overthrown following a 6 months long revolution. The Emperor of Jindou, Luming, has been exiled to Michu. The revolutionary government has created a new republic that they called the Republic of Nanhan. With the emperor and the former government gone, large crowds could be seen across the nation. They have officially overthrown the dictator of Jindou. To understand the revolution, we need to go quite long ago to January

In January this year, the Jindou government conducted a crackdown on a small scale protesters at Sucheng University. One of the students was beaten and was caught on camera. several journalists were attacked as well. Anti-Police Brutality protest began across the nation. Things got worse from there. Later in February, whistleblowers in the government revealed that the government is doing money laundering for many of the nation's infrastructure projects. The massive protest led to talks of an armed rebellion within the nation. The Emperor then issued an imperial decree to send the army in. This led to the Kana Massacre resulting in more than 20,000 protesters killed. In June, the Ministry of Defense switched sides to what it is now.

Following a round of election just a week after the successful revolution, the Democratic People's Party who was led by the famous revolutionary Lee Mankai became the first to be the Prime Minister of Nanhan. The future of this nation is unclear, but there is hope for a better future ahead.

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Post by Aotaruo Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:01 am

Regional News - Page 2 Aotaru10

Aotaruo decides to join League of Nations

Referendum brings decades of political isolationism to an end

Aotaruo abandoned decades of political isolationism yesterday by voting to join the League of Nations in a cliffhanger referendum which had been billed as a battle for the country's soul.
A nationwide margin of 55% in favour and 45% against was wider than expected, but the vote by regions - the other majority needed for the referendum to pass - was much closer. After a Yes result from the last region to be counted, Aokelan, the result was 7-6.

Supporters hailed the vote as a decision to accept the responsibilities of international engagement and to end the myth of an isolationist nirvana aloof from the world and its problems. Neutrality would continue as before, they said.

The spectre of Kiwi soldiers coming home in bodybags from LEN-mandated military campaigns was raised. Opponents also accused the elite of frittering away a policy which kept the country out of conflict for decades merely to kowtow to Venesia, mocking the parliament by calling it the "Administrative Council of the Kanadorikan Colony of Aotaruo."

Regardless, it is now up to the League of Nations to decide whether or not Aotaruo will actually be admitted into the organisation.

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Regional News - Page 2 Empty Typhoon Ganlan

Post by Jindou Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:56 pm

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Tropical Storm

Over the past feel weeks, scientists at the National Meteorology Center in Kana have found a new Tropical Storm coming towards Nanhan in the Hezrana. The Scientist there believed that in a matter of days, the tropical storm could increase its size in a matter of days to a category 1 typhoon due to the warm air in the Hezrana Ocean in June. It is believed that on the 25 June, the typhoon would make landfall on coastal cities in the south particularly Kana and Huhang. However, the tropical storm still needs time and observation to determine it's the path.

Public Housing

As an attempt to provide housing for all Nanhanese, the government in Suceng has announced the creation of the Housing Development Council (HDC) to provide quality and cheap housing for all Nanhan Citizens. The homeownership of Nanhan, according to the Census Bureau, sits at a low 69.69% lower than that of other nations. The HDC is tasked to fix this issue. The first HDC public housing unit is planned to be completed by June 2021 in Hanglin, the ancient capital. More housing units are planned to be built in other cities as well.

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Post by Zhi Dynasty Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:58 pm


The Imperial government of Michu expressed great sorrow for the events that have transpired in the last year of the Kangyong King’s reign, our hearts stand with the protestors slaughtered in Kana and all those injured in reform movements. We also understand the deep commitment of the Revolutionaries to create and influence change in their country, but request leniency for the captured agents of the old regime, especially ones that were passive and had only tangential relations with the regime, such as low level police officers and ministers. This is in line with both the Kingly Way, and the spirit of peaceful reunion between all sectors of Nanhan society. We would like to stress, that the present relationship with the Taiyang Pact, the bedrock of beneficial and prosperous relations between our two nations, shall not be altered in any way. To demonstrate our friendship, the Imperial government will continue to invest in Nanhan’s energy research facilities, as it had sworn to do before the revolution. The Imperial court has put the exiled monarch up in the Palace of Illustrious Redemption, where he is repenting for his actions and failures and will be reformed with time and discipline.

In other news, the Empire and the Taiyang Pact will be fitting some of the costs of Nanhan’s cyclone preparation to demonstrate our bond and solidarity, focusing our efforts on refugee areas and relief workers who have finished their own tasks in helping Guangbei. Additionally, the Tenth Princess, Chancellor Zhao Han and Minister for Foreign Affairs Zheng Xiaoyi will be visiting both Nanhan and Aotaruo for state visits, to develop our relations, and raise money for their cyclone prevention measures. The Tenth Princess was remarked to have said to some press agents

"It brings honour to the Yongsheng Ulanara Clan to help those in need, members of our family have a great responsibility to not only Michu, but to our friends in Taiyang and beyond. I have been studying the language hard, as requested, though I beg of those who passerby to forgive me if I make mistakes!"

The Tenth Princess is one of the more obscure members of the illusive Imperial Family, and is the sixteen years old, the youngest of the Imperial Family's Princesses.

Last edited by Zhi Dynasty on Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post by Aotaruo Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:23 am

Regional News - Page 2 Aotaru10

Cyclone Hana inbound

Schools across the North Island shut down as citizens brace for impact

After recent news came out about a typhoon approaching Nanhan, it appears the second part of the 2020 Hezrana Ocean typhoon season saga has arrived. Meteorologists at the Whangaotara Meteorological Centre detected a Category 2 tropical cyclone which had formed roughly 500 miles south-southwest of Nanhan which is projected to make landfall on the North Island of Aotaruo by 27 June, by then it is expected to expand into a Category 5 severe tropical cyclone. Schools across the Aokelan, Rakilan, Bay-a-Toi, and Waikato regions have already been shut down as a series of smaller tropical storms have already arrived in Aotaruo.

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Post by Jindou Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:07 pm

Regional News - Page 2 Suceng10
21 June 2020

Storm Preparation

With the storm expecting to hit the cities in Gan and Hu Province, the government announces that schools will be shut down tomorrow until the storm is over. Citizens in the affected areas are told to prepare for the storm with plywood covering windows and doors as well as stocking up supplies if a major flood happens. According to the National Meteorology Center in Kana, the storm is officially a category 1 typhoon. The typhoon is currently 500 kilometers away from Nanhan mainland.

Stores preparing for the storm.
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Post by Ezhara Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:37 am


By Namkung Myung-bak

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Dolgae Hyun-Ki in his music video for "Floating."

For our dear Vocaloid Talent, the evening was more than stormy. At around 6 PM, an unknown figure had broken into and entered his house, and though he initially assumed it to be a robber, it was soon clear that it was sent to kill him, and over the next hour, Hyun-Ki was forced to run and hide from his pursuer with the help of his neighbor, Nun Gyeonghye. Based on his reports, the figure has been determined to likely be capable of lockpicking and acrobatic feats, having opened his locked bedroom door and climbed onto Nun Gyeonghye's neighbor's roof during the evening. Thankfully, he was saved by a concerned fan, high schooler Chan-Mi Lee, who managed to resuscitate him before the arrival of the police.

"I was just walking near his house, when I just felt really odd, so then I checked his backyard because the gate was open, and that was when I saw his open balcony door," she said. "So, well, I figured that something had to be up, and when I got to Nun Gyeonghye's house, I saw her lying on the porch. It was terrifying, but I, like, had to go ahead. For him, you know? Thankfully, the door wasn't locked, and when I got in, I could see something dash into the bedroom, but I was way more worried about Dokkie, so I went into the restroom, and there he was. It was so, so scary, but I managed to wake him up by the time the police got there. If I had to do that again, I totally would. Dokkie means so much to me."

On the other hand, Hyun-Ki himself has remained rather calm since the incident. "I'm still a little shaken, but I'm alive, at least," he remarked. "You know, when I said yes to Gisara's offer to become a Talent last year, I never expected something like this to happen. I still don't understand why me, though. I'm not nearly as well-known as say, Darius Basho." Nonetheless, his Squeaker has been flooded with concerned fans, and he has received several gifts of concern from residents of Jae-Syu, including from Lee.

Currently, the police have found no trace of his assailant, who he described as "like a dancer, with two spiraling horns and a veil on its head." Consequently, he was unable to see its face, though some fringe theories suggest it was Völva Prophecy, one of the Four Prophets of Ezhara said to herald the end of an era.
We can only hope otherwise.

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Post by Aotaruo Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:14 pm

Regional News - Page 2 Aotaru10

Cyclone Hana strikes Aotaruo

Multiple regions in Northern Aotaruo lose power as Cyclone Hana makes landfall

Aokelan and other regions on the North Island of Aotaruo have declared a state of emergency today as Cyclone Hana tears through the country, leaving many without power.

Just a few hours ago, Hana reached wind speeds of 230 kilometres per hour and ripped through the Aotaruo, the storm first hit the zone between the North and South islands, whipping up waves as tall as 9 metres. The storm has become the worst cyclone to hit the country in 60 years, destroying or damaging an estimated 1400 houses.

As Hana went north to Aokelan, it brought almost 30 centimetres of rainfall in places. Nearly 200 schools were shut, and Aotaruo’s airlines cancelled all flights to and from the capital, Whangaotara. Even though the deep low-pressure system moves away from Aotaruo early on Wednesday, the effects of Hana will last a few more days, with further rain likely about central Aotaruo until Thursday.

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Post by Jindou Sat Jun 27, 2020 2:08 am

Regional News - Page 2 Suceng11

Typhoon Ganlan hits Nanhan

After many days of waiting, the Typhoon Ganlan has finally made landfall on the coast of Nanhan at a category 5 typhoon. The city of Kana was hit hard by the typhoon as well as the ancient city of Tangji just West of Kana and Weiya. The hurricane reached over 230 km/h when it made landfall early this morning. Many parts were flooded and the trees were uprooted. Part of the city of Tangji went into a blackout after the hurricane left the area heading towards Weiya.

Over 1300 houses were damaged. In some places, the rainfall almost reached higher than 30 cm. In the outskirt of Kana, some buildings were swept away due to the heavy rain. Almost 100 flights have to be canceled due to the typhoon. The typhoon only lasted a day but dealt with massive damage to the city and the surrounding areas. As the typhoon now has died, rescue efforts are now underway.

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Post by Aotaruo Sat Jul 04, 2020 2:50 pm

Regional News - Page 2 Aotaru10

Rare snowstorm, cold blast hits Aotaruo

Aokelan residents shocked by first snow since 1939

Blizzards across the lower South Island dumped heavy snow in Ōtautahi and Tāhuna, closing airports, cutting power, and creating treacherous road conditions across the island nation. Southern regions and higher elevations have reported as much as 30-60 cm (1-2 ft) in recent days.

The wintry blast is being described as a once-in-a-lifetime event, bringing snow to the capital city of Whangaotara and as far north as the Aokelan region for the first time since the 1970s.

In the city of Aokelan, Aokelanders last witnessed accumulating snow in 1939. The city also recorded its lowest daily high temperature since official records began there in 1961. On Monday, the temperature only rose to 8.2 C (47 F), breaking the previous record low maximum of 8.7 C set in July 1996. Average high/low temperatures for the city are about 59/45 F even during the second-coldest month of the year.

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Post by Kanadorika Sat Jul 04, 2020 3:42 pm

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HKS Miskunn, photographed earlier this year in Kokemäki. To her left is the WWII battleship KNS Imperator

2020 June 21 | Written by Markús Konráðsson | |  15:25

As tropical cyclones close in on nations in the Nimbifer Ocean region, The Kanadorikan government is coming to the assistance of those expected to be hit the hardest. Two hospital ships, the HKS Miskunn and HKS Heilun will be deployed to the region, Miskunn to Nanhan and Heilun to Aotaruo. They will be utilized to provide medical care should the hospital systems in those nations be impacted by the storms. Two destroyer task forces will also make call at ports in the aforementioned nations, carrying with them search and rescue teams to assist in the aftermath of the typhoons.

Here at home, private organizations have collectively raised over one billion Króna as humanitarian aid for Nanhan and Aotaruo, which together are members of the Commonwealth of Nations and have a shared history. The typhoons are being watched intensely in Oceania, which while being out of the path of the current storms, may face their own storms later this season.

The abnormally potent weather this year is being attributed to the eruption of Mt. Kallioinen in April, which dumped ash into the atmosphere and continues to influence the global climate.

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