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Statements By President Klein of Thenagach to the Press in regards to the Happenings in Morong

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Statements By President Klein of Thenagach to the Press in regards to the Happenings in Morong Empty Statements By President Klein of Thenagach to the Press in regards to the Happenings in Morong

Post by Thenagach Wed Feb 05, 2020 8:31 pm

"Ladies and gentlemen of the press, you have inquired of me to know my stance on the proceedings in Morong. As a bordering country, we may be affected by this in the future, but as of yet, we are indifferent to the proceedings. We have left the supposed deescalating to the government of Ninhundland and wish no part in it.

We, that is to say, the government, have no interest in exacerbating an already painful situation. The Ninhundish Government has taken the matter into their own hands, and, dare I say, failed in their objective of deescalating the revolts. Security has been tight along our border for years now, and this latest proceeding has caused need for increased security. No refugees nor fleeing citizens will be allowed passage through our ports of entry on the eastern border. As of now, the Ninhundish government has had requests for use of Thenagian military bases denied. Increased security will mean more tense relations with Morong, but their fight is with themselves, not with us.
Thank you, that is all."
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